Active forum topics

Topic Repliessort descending Last post Forum
Hot topic Calibrated Frequency
by DD5CF on Sun, 2012/11/04 - 13:01
13 by VK4ZBV
Mon, 2012/11/05 - 23:14
Hot topic WSPR X r3058 spots not being posted
by W8AC on Fri, 2013/03/22 - 19:24
13 by W1TWS
Mon, 2016/02/08 - 23:39
Hot topic Raspberry Pi multiband beacon
by ZL1BHD on Thu, 2014/05/01 - 01:52
13 by W1GJM
Thu, 2015/03/19 - 13:43
Hot topic Apparent flooding by F6ABJ - F6PRA on 2-metre WSPR
by VK3YCQ on Wed, 2015/07/15 - 08:34
13 by DK5HH
Mon, 2015/07/27 - 08:52
Hot topic WSPR Stand alone Multi-Band beacon project
by G7IYK on Fri, 2018/06/08 - 14:26
13 by F1EYG
Fri, 2018/11/09 - 17:18
Hot topic Plotting polar diagram/nodes.
by G8HWI on Sun, 2019/01/27 - 16:51
13 by AI6VN
Sun, 2019/03/10 - 00:47
Hot topic wsprdaemon version 2.3 - A Raspberry Pi WSPR decoding system
by AI6VN on Thu, 2019/03/28 - 05:28
13 by OH8GKP
Tue, 2020/07/21 - 05:17
Hot topic WSPR on old gear - stopped working
by VK2VAR on Wed, 2019/06/19 - 09:51
13 by VK2VAR
Fri, 2019/07/19 - 09:59
Hot topic what gear do i need
by gm4dso on Wed, 2019/07/17 - 10:00
13 by gm4dso
Sat, 2019/07/20 - 16:42
Hot topic Group of callsigns with "0" prefixes
by n4mxz on Fri, 2020/08/07 - 18:32
13 by n4mxz
Fri, 2020/08/14 - 21:04
Hot topic Reported map placement with 4 character Maidenhead locator
by AF7XZ on Wed, 2020/09/30 - 02:02
13 by VK7JJ
Fri, 2020/10/02 - 06:37
Hot topic Optimal tx fraction
by VK1OD on Thu, 2011/07/28 - 23:33
14 by WD8DCJ
Tue, 2011/08/02 - 12:53
Hot topic Raspberry Pi and WSPR - working but is it really any good ?
by g0ftd on Sun, 2013/05/05 - 16:57
14 by ok1iak
Sun, 2013/09/22 - 18:53
Hot topic Spot Map
by M0XDK on Sun, 2014/06/15 - 08:56
14 by MW3PWA
Sat, 2021/02/27 - 11:40
Hot topic Building wspr on Linux Mint 17 from source
by ve3ghm on Sun, 2014/06/22 - 15:33
14 by G6EXF
Wed, 2018/07/04 - 16:24
Hot topic WSPR IQ SDR demodulator for wsprlinux
by dj0abr on Sat, 2016/01/02 - 01:54
14 by dj0abr
Tue, 2016/02/02 - 22:30
Hot topic RedPitaya Multiband WSPR transceiver
by IW2MVI on Fri, 2016/04/08 - 10:59
14 by SWLJO20
Thu, 2016/09/15 - 11:42
Hot topic VK5MR relocating to SA Outback - Antenna Suggestions?
by VK5Mr on Thu, 2016/04/28 - 07:18
14 by VK4ZBV
Wed, 2016/05/18 - 08:44
Hot topic 1W1HS, 2W1HS, 3W1HS ??
by WA2ZKD on Wed, 2017/02/22 - 16:03
14 by GM4SFW -- SK --...
Mon, 2017/05/08 - 20:28
Hot topic Fake WSPR users
by MW0YHA on Mon, 2017/03/27 - 09:16
14 by G0MQW
Sun, 2017/04/16 - 16:40
