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Hot topic NUC...Anyone using one?
by VK3LU on Sun, 2017/08/06 - 07:32
9 by VK3LU
Sat, 2017/08/12 - 11:59
Hot topic need troubleshooting ideas for homebrew WSPR transmitter
by ND8I on Thu, 2017/08/31 - 22:28
9 by ND8I
Sun, 2017/09/03 - 01:11
Hot topic WSPR with IC7300, no Output
by DL4MCA on Tue, 2018/01/02 - 05:15
9 by VK4ZBV
Wed, 2018/01/03 - 11:54
Hot topic WSJT-X DT values - What are these really representing?
by W7OWO on Tue, 2018/01/23 - 23:56
9 by ZL1RS
Wed, 2018/01/31 - 16:18
Hot topic magnectic loop antenna
by G0NCE on Tue, 2018/03/13 - 12:25
9 by G8LIY
Mon, 2018/04/09 - 23:09
Hot topic WSJT-X 1.8 failure on Mac OSX
by VK7JJ on Fri, 2018/04/06 - 22:58
9 by VK3LU
Thu, 2018/04/12 - 08:47
Hot topic WSPR mode failure
by G4PMB on Mon, 2019/10/14 - 08:33
9 by G4ZFQ
Mon, 2019/10/14 - 10:31
Hot topic XIEGU G90 and WSPR
by VK3LU on Sat, 2020/08/08 - 10:26
9 by SM6VNO
Sat, 2021/01/02 - 07:16
Hot topic QRV with ZachTek Desktop from JO89WK
by SM0TGU on Fri, 2021/10/08 - 15:27
9 by KY6O
Mon, 2024/06/03 - 20:16
Hot topic Non decode of strong signal.... FIXED...
by VK2XV on Tue, 2008/12/16 - 08:49
9 by 7L1RLL
Sat, 2009/01/10 - 20:03
Questions and Answers
Hot topic 2-way Qso Freqs?
by N6SPP on Tue, 2009/02/03 - 05:10
9 by G0HDI
Sun, 2009/02/08 - 09:42
Questions and Answers
Hot topic Homebrew WSPRing transmitters for 30 m and 10 m
by NV3V on Sat, 2009/08/01 - 21:54
9 by G3ZOD
Fri, 2009/08/21 - 14:04
Questions and Answers
Hot topic WSPR on 64-bit Vista
by Wb5nmz on Sat, 2009/08/01 - 23:06
9 by M0DUO
Sun, 2009/09/06 - 21:52
Questions and Answers
Hot topic How did this happen?
by ZL2RX on Mon, 2009/11/23 - 09:23
9 by Anonymous (not verified)
Wed, 2009/12/30 - 11:19
Questions and Answers
Hot topic Find out other station rigs and aerials
by g3jkf on Sun, 2009/12/06 - 20:53
9 by G4IKZ
Tue, 2009/12/15 - 17:52
Questions and Answers
Hot topic IC-7600 CAT control
by JO3UGX on Tue, 2009/12/15 - 01:32
9 by G0IUW
Sun, 2010/01/17 - 16:32
Questions and Answers
Hot topic Decoding myself ??
by G4PEC on Sat, 2009/12/19 - 18:46
9 by G4PEC
Sat, 2009/12/26 - 19:24
Questions and Answers
Hot topic Invalid Audio Device with WSPR 2
by G4ZFQ on Tue, 2010/03/16 - 09:45
9 by G4ZFQ
Wed, 2010/03/17 - 09:35
Questions and Answers
Hot topic SV8ARJ contact details?
by G8VOI on Sat, 2010/05/15 - 19:51
9 by SV8ARJ-1
Sun, 2012/03/18 - 10:20
Questions and Answers
Hot topic RXing own callsign only?
by 2E0BWQ on Thu, 2010/11/18 - 14:03
9 by 2E0BWQ
Sun, 2010/11/21 - 05:44
Questions and Answers
